PML-N Secretaiat- 20-H- Street# 10- F-8/3- Islamabad. Ph: 051-2852661/62. Fax: 051-2852663
PML(N) government took the reins of the country at a turbulent time. In 2013, the PML(N) inherited an economy that was in shambles, a security situation that was untenable, and a power shortage that was almost insurmountable. Through visionary ideas translated into bold initiatives and hard work, the PML(N) government has not only steered the ship away from the wreck, but also set a new direction of growth, prosperity, security and strengthened democracy. Significant steps were taken by the PML(N) leadership to leverage Pakistan’s geographic location in the form of CPEC, which has heralded an unprecedented level of investment in Pakistan’s economy, and provides the foundation for transforming Pakistan into a pivotal economic player, in fact, the hub of connectivity in Asia. Two of the biggest issues of the 2013 Elections are no longer there. The power shortage has drastically reduced and load shedding is no longer the crisis it once was. Through the brave sacrifices of the valiant armed forces, the paramilitary forces and Police of Pakistan, and the political support of the PML(N), the security situation of Pakistan in 2018 has vastly improved.